Sakardzha 1200 m a.s.l. blank

Chavdar, Sredna Gora Mountains, Sredna Gora 2084, Bulgaria
Tap to call +43 720775120
Sakardzha 1200 m a.s.l. Chavdar, Sredna Gora Mountains, Sredna Gora, 2084, Bulgaria +43 720775120
Tariff / 6+ Bed Room / Minimum days 1 Maximum days 365 / Min people 1 Max people 10 / 1 10 Friday, 11 March 2033

Please be aware that a tourist tax will be added to this booking. You will be able to see the tax on the review booking page.

Booking particulars

Select the details of your booking requirements

Reservation fee
Reservation fee
9,00€ ( Per booking )
Your Details
Price Summary

Nights Per person Per night


Accommodation ex tax
Accommodation inc tax
Accommodation tax
Services Total (inc tax)
Services tax:
Grand Total (inc tax):
Fee total
Pay at the hut (after fee paid)